EnvirolyteIQ Product Family

It is developed as a technology that produces HOCL (Hypochlorous Acid), a 100% natural biocide produced by the human body against all bacteria and viruses.

The HOCL it produces is non-corrosive since it has neutral pH and it does not cause any harm to human health.


HOCL (Hypochlorous Acid) is 100% natural & affordable solution.


EnvirolyteIQ Catalogue

EnvirolyteIQ Inc. is producing eco-friendly and affordable solutions with great service and customer satisfaction.

EnvirolyteIQ Products Catalogue
Envirolyte IQ katalog

HOCl is 100 times more effective!

Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL) has been scientificaly proven to be about 100 times more effective than other methods.

As a result of scientific researches, it has been determined that Hypochlorous Acid has a better effect on destroying harmful organisms than 100 times more concentrated NaOCl and 10 times more concentrated CHX.

Does Hypochlorous Acid Really Work?

After HOCL application, it was determined that it prevents the formation of the biofilm layer in the water pipes, and dissolves the formed layer and prevents the diseases carried by the water system. Thus, by keeping the drain water clean, it also reduces maintenance costs.

Unlike other chemicals, it prevents biological pollution in the air without harming human health.
